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Dr. Adnan Nadeem
Assistant Professor

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Summary of Academic Accomplishments

Publications Distributions (94)

  • Journal
  • Conferences
  • Patent
  • DataSet

Research Grants [PI & CO-PI] (11)

  • Deanship of Research
  • Ministry (MOE)
  • Outside Kingdom

Citations(GoogleScholar) (2059)

  • Total Citations
  • H Index
  • I 10 Index

Postgraduate Supervision (10)

  • PhD
  • Masters

Brief Biography

Prof. Dr ADNAN NADEEM ALHASSAN received the Ph.D. degree from the Institute for Communication Systems, University of Surrey, United Kingdom., in 2011. He is a Full Professor & the Head of the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Computer and Information System (FCIS), Islamic University in Madinah (IUM), Saudi Arabia. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.  He has published over 96 papers in international conferences and journals, including a registered Patent & a Book chapter. He has more than 2752 citations for his work. The cumulative Impact Factor of his publication is 101.2 to date. My Researchgate Score is higher than 96% of RG members. He has completed eight funded research projects since 2015 worth SAR 250,000 and applied for 0.1 million SAR research funds as the PI and CO-PI. He is leading Sensing, Imaging & Security Research Group.   He received awards for research, teaching, academic advising, and contribution towards ABET accreditation in his current tenure at Islamic University. He has also contributed to designing and establishing the MS Cyber Security program at Islamic University.

During his pedagogical journey before joining Islamic University, he won several awards and achievements, including the Best Researcher, Best Academic Advisor & Best Initiative for International Collaboration Award from Islamic University of Madinah. The Foreign Ph.D. Scholarship, the Associate Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), U.K.,in 2009, the 5th HEC Outstanding Research Award 2013/14, and the Best Paper and Best Track Paper Award in the ICICTT 2013 and ICEET 2016 conferences, respectively. He also received the Best Academic Advisor and the Best Researcher Award from FCIS, IUM, in 2018. He received the Nishane-Imtiaz for his outstanding research from FUUAST Pakistan, in 2016.

He has nineteen years of teaching experience at the university level. He joined FUUAST as a lecturer in 2005 and got promoted to Assistant professor in 2010. He served as Head of Postgraduate Programs for two years and the Head of Department of Computer Science for 1.5 years. He has taught several courses at BS, Masters, and Ph.D. levels. He has supervised six Masters and four Ph.D. students as Principal and Co-Supervisor including one Ph.D. student in progress.  He received his bachelor’s degree BSc and master’s degree MCS in computer science from the Faculty of Science, the University of Karachi with first division.

Dr Adnan’s principal research interests include IoT, AI, wireless sensors sensor networks applied to healthcare, agriculture, smart cities, crowd management & their security. He has proposed various solutions for network layer security attacks by IDS, IPS, QoS, and reliability issues of Mobile Ad Hoc and sensor Networks. Currently, he is focusing on investigating & providing solutions for real community problems through modeling and assistive technology. He also works on projects on emerging technologies such as Blockchain & IoT challenges and applications. He has presented his research and tutorials in several international conferences and seminars as the guest speaker and author including IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICUMT, IEEE INMIC, ICON etc. He is a Senior member of the IEEE and Communication Society. He also serves as an editorial member of international journals, conference session chair, and organizer of international conferences.

Internet of Things (IoT), AI, advanced imaging applied to Smart Cities, Agriculture, Healthcare; Security; Intrusion Detection & Response Systems; Machine Learning; BlockChain Technology; Wireless and Body Area Sensor Networks; QoS; Reliability; Security of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Applications;  Modelling & Assistive Technology Applications;


Book Reading

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results

Wade Boggs


People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.

Eleanor Roosevelt
October 2017 – present Associate Professor
IU_ALL_COLOR_RGB International Islamic University of Madinah,  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Associate Professor and Incharge MS Security Technologies program in the  Faculty of Computer and Information System. Responsibilities include Research, Teaching at MS & BS level, International Accreditation (ABET, NCAAA), and contributing to various administrative committees.
March 2011 – September 2016 Assistant Professor
federal-urdu-university-karachi Federal  Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.


In charge MS/PhD program in the Department of Computer Science. Leading the research activities in Communication and Networks. MS/PhD thesis supervision and teaching postgraduate and undergraduate courses.
I have served as in charge Department of Computer Science for 1.5 years.
March 2005 – Feb 2011 Lecturer
federal-urdu-university-karachiFederal  Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.


Conducted  theory   and   lab   classes  at   undergraduate  and   graduate level related  to Computer Networks, Data Structure, Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Network Security,  Algorithm Analysis  etc.  
August 2013 – present Visiting faculty member
iba-sukkurInstitute of Business Administration Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan.


Conducted Wireless Sensor Network course  at postgraduate level
Oct 2012 – June 2013 Visiting faculty member
uit Usman Insitute of Technology  UIT, Hamdard University,Karachi, Pakistan.


Conducted Network Security, Routing & Switching and Wireless Sensor Networks course at postgraduate level in the Department of Computer Science.
July 2011 – present Visiting faculty member
Bahria  University , Pakistan.


Involved in research and conducting courses at post graduate level in the Department  of Computer Science.  
2008 – 2010 Teaching Assistant & Co Supervisor
surreylogoUniversity of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom.


Conducted Network Service Management labs at post-graduate level and tutorial and labs at undergraduate level


Master Level Courses (MS)

  • Simulation and Modeling
  • Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications
  • Advance Computer Networks
  • Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
  • Routing and Switching
  • Telecommunication Network Management
  • Network Security

Doctoral Level Course (PhD)

  • Emerging Wireless Networks
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Wireless Networks Security
  • Next Generation Networks
  • Advance Routing and QoS Protocols


Time passes faster and faster, but with every project I always want to find the next challenge and the next challenge is just as exciting as the previous one

Alexander Wang
A Smart City Application for Tracking and Locating Missing Persons in Madinah using Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies Status: Complete   Role: Principal Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research (Tammayuz), IUM, Madinah, KSA,  Budget SAR 1500000   Duration: 2020-2022 Collaborator:         -Department of Lost & Found, Masjid e Nabvi, Madinah Pollice,KSA,                                                                                                        -James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK Project Outputs: DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/s22145270 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s22031153 DOI:https://doi.org/10.32604/cmc.2023.035012 DOI: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361779489_Ensuring_Safety_of_Pilgrims_using_Spatio-temporal_Data_Modeling_and_Application_for_Efficient_Reporting_and_Tracking_of_Missing_Persons_in_a_Large_Crowd_Gathering_Scenario
Blockchain based Secure and Ecient Life-cycle Tracking and Management of Vehicles: A Prototype Implementation for KSA
Status: Complete Role: Co Principal Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research (Tammayuz), IUM, Madinah, KSA,  Budget SAR 1530000 Duration: 2018-2020 Collaborator: Department of Traffic (KSA), Ministry of Interior, KSA, NUST Pakistan. Project Outputs: DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9116973 DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8922632 DOI: https://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=11&Issue=4&Code=IJACSA&SerialNo=62 DOI:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9402747
A Smart Fall Prevention App for Elderly people in Saudi Arabia based on Fall risk assessments through muscle fatigue analysis
Status: In Progress Role: Lead Principle Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research, IUM, Madinah, KSA Duration: 2020-2021 Collaborator: Department of Lost & Found, Masjid e Nabvi, KSA. Project Output: DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9286556 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104717
“Digital Transformation of Madinah Landmarks Using Augmented Reality”
Status: Complete Role: Co-Principal Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research, IUM, Madinah, KSA Duration: 2020-2021 Collaborator: Department of Culture and History, KSA. Project Outputs: DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/s23010146 DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/app122312022 DOI: http://Secure and Collaborative Augmented Reality: Tourism and Economy Perspective
Virtual journey into the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”
Status: Complete Role: Co-Principal Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research, IUM, Madinah, KSA Duration: 2020-2021 Collaborator: Department of Culture and History, KSA. Project Outputs: DOI: https://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=13&Issue=11&Code=IJACSA&SerialNo=26 DOI: https://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=13&Issue=7&Code=IJACSA&SerialNo=39
Detection and Risk estimation of Fall in local Elderly people using wearable shimmer sensors prototype

Status: Complete Role: Lead Principle Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research, IUM, Madinah, KSA , SAR 25800 Duration: 2017-2018  Collaborator: FUUAST Pakistan Project Output: DOI: https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/a-novel-fall-detection-algorithm-for-elderly-using-shimmer-weara/16461166 DOI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5572518/
MDIWSN: Monitoring & Detection of Cotton Crop Insects using Wireless Sensor Networks

Status: Complete Role: Lead Principle Investigator Project Collaborators: PARC,Agriculture Research Sindh,Pakistan DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13031851 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13052921   https://www.researchgate.net/project/
RBASN: Reliable routing in Body Area Sensor Networks applied to the monitoring and assistance of chronic disease patients

Status: Complete Role: Principle Investigator Funding: Rs 0.2 million , Mini Research Fund, FUUAST, Pakistan,Jan 2013– Dec 2013. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2015.03.002 DOI: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272684415_RPRP_Routing_Protocol_to_ensure_the_reliability_in_health_care_system
Worship Assistance for deaf blind people using Assistive technology
Status: Completed Role: Co Supervisor, FUUAST, Pakistan Funding: Rs 0.2 million, Mini Research Grant   Project Collaborators: Project Outputs: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.11.002
AIDR: Adaptive Intrusion Detection & Response Mechanism
Status: Completed Role: PhD Researcher at CCSR, Surrey,Sept 2007– Dec 2010 Funding: Rs 8.5 million, Foreign PhD Scholarship, University of Surrey,UK,  Project Collaborators: NDMA, Pakistan DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6489880 DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5345400 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.08.017 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/1582379.1582581


International Academics:

Dr Michael Howarth  (University of Surrey, UK),  Prof George Pavlou (UCL,  UK), Dr Ning Wang  (University of Surrey, UK), Dr Qammar Abbasi (James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK), Dr HAfiz Farooq , (King Faisal University, KSA), Prof Khurram Khan (King Saud Univeristy, KSA),  Dr Yue Cao (Wuhan University, china), Dr Nadeem Mehmood (University of Karachi, Pakistan), Dr Amjad Pervaiz (SARC, Pakistan), Dr Kamran Arshad (University of Greenwich, UK), Dr. Soamsiri Chantaraskul (Mongkut's University of Technology , Thailand ), Dr Kamran Ahsan (FUUAST, Pakistan), Dr Kashif Rizwan (FUUAST, Pakistan)

International Organizations:

Department of Lost & Found, Masjid e Nabvi ( Madinah Pollice,KSA), Department of Traffic (KSA), Ministry of Interior, KSA, Sindh Agricultural University, Pakistan,  University of Karachi, Edhi Foundation, Darul Sukun (Elderly Home), Pakistan, PARC, Agriculture Research Sindh Pakistan, Artificial Blockchain Automations, UK.  


Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture

Ken Robinson
  • A Smart Fall Prevention App for Elderly people in Saudi Arabia based on Fall risk assessments through muscle fatigue analysis

    A. Mehmood, A. Nadeem, M. Ashraf, M. S. Siddiqui, K. Rizwan and K. Ahsan, "A Fall Risk Assessment Mechanism for Elderly people through Muscle Fatigue Analysis on data from Body Area Sensor Network," in IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3043285.
  • MDIWSN: Classification of Pest Control Methods

    Azfar S., A.Nadeem , Basit A., “Pest detection and control techniques using wireless sensor networks : A review”, published in Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies, Vol.3, No.2, April 2015, pp 92-99.

  • Blockchain based Secure and Ecient Life-cycle Tracking and Management of Vehicles: A Prototype Implementation for KSA

    T. A. Syed, M. S. Siddique, A. Nadeem, A. Alzahrani, S. Jan and M. A. K. Khattak, "A Novel Blockchain-Based Framework for Vehicle Life Cycle Tracking: An End-to-End Solution," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 111042-111063, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3002170.

  • Integration of Emergency services with Remote Patient Monitoring

    K. Rizwan,  A. Nadeem, N.Mehmood ,K.Ahsan “A Case Study of remote monitoring and its integration with emergency services”, accept for publication in 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovation in Commputing & Technology, 2016.


    Status: Complete Role: Lead Principle Investigator Funding:  Deanship of Research, IUM, Madinah, KSA , SAR 24850 Duration: 2018-2019 Collaborator: University of Karachi, Edhi Foundation, Darul Sukun (Elderly Home), Pakistan
  • AIDR: Success Vs False Alarm Rate

    A.Nadeem. Howarth M., “Protection of MANETs from a range of attacks using an intrusion detection and prevention system”, published in Springer Special issue on Mobile Computing technologies of Telecommunication System Journal, Vol. 52, No.4, 2012, pp 20147-2058,

  • GIDP: Generalized Intrusion Detection & Prevention

    A.Nadeem and M.Howarth, “A Generalized Intrusion Detection & Prevention Mechanism for Securing MANETs”, Proceeding of IEEE 5th International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & workshops (ICUMT 09), St Petersburg Russia, Pages 1 -6, October 2009

  • AIDR: Adaptive Intrusion Response Mechanism

    A.Nadeem. Howarth M., An Intrusion Detection & Adaptive Response Mechanism for MANETs”, published in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Vol .13, 2013, pp 368-380.

  • Network_Layer_ Security: Classification of Network Layer Protection Mechanism

    A.Nadeem, Howarth M., “A Survey of MANET Intrusion Detection & Prevention Approaches for Network Layer Attacks", published in IEEE Communication Society Journal of Communication Survey and Tutorial, Vol .15, No.4 , pp 2027-2045.


The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows

Sydney J. Harris
January, 2011 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
surreylogoWireless Networks and Security
Centre for Communication System Research (CCSR) University of Surrey, United Kingdom
December, 2003 Master of Computer Science (MCS)
uokMCS  Computer Science  Department
University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
December, 2000 Bachelor of Science (BSc)
uokComputer Science,  Maths,  Statistics
Govt Islamia Science College affiliated with University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
January, 2009 AFHEA
the higher educationAssociate Fellow of Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom (FHEA)                              
Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom.


I hope I raised more questions than I have given answers

Fuller Albright

For details of the publications please visit Research Gate profile and Google Scholar profile.

Patent & Book

  • K.Ahsan, M.A.Hussain, A.Nadeem and S.Iqbal, “A tactile communication system with vibro tactile alerting notification mechanism”,Patent Accepted & Sealed by the Government of Pakistan ( Patent No 143145), Intellectual property organization, The patient office Karachi, Pakistan, October 2019

Journal Publications

Conference Proceedings


Do the thing you're good at. Not many people are lucky enough to be so good at something

John Green

Operating systems


Simulators Software

  • Ubuntu
  • Fedora
  • MS Windows
  • Android
  • Bash
  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Prolog
  • Packet Tracer
  • GloMoSim
  • NS-2
  • OMNET ++
  • Castalia
  • Matlab

Awards & Administrative Resposibilities

  • Head of Higher Studies Unit of the Faculty of Computer & Information System and managing Master’s Program in the Faculty. (2020-to date)
  • Head of Examination Unit of the Faculty of Computer & Information System and managing Mid and Final term examinations. (2022-to date)
  • Member of Research Unit of the Faculty of Computer & Information System (2018-to date)
  • Member of Curriculum Committee of the Faculty of Computer & Information System (2020-to date)
  • Department Board member of the Department of Information Technology (2022- to date)
  • Participated and defended Islamic University Madinah NCAAA Institutional Self Study Report (Tenth Standard: Research) 2016 in front of NCAAA evaluation committee. (2016-2017)
  • Contributed in ABET accreditation criteria's (6. Faculty Affairs and 5. Curriculum) for accreditation of Faculty of Computer and Information System Programs in Islamic University in Madinah. (2016 -2017)
  • Participated in ABET accreditation site visit defend the Information Technology Program in Islamic University. (2017)
  • Member of Graduate Project Evaluation Committee and evaluated the Senior Project I and II in Islamic University. (2016-2017)
  • Contributed in designing advance elective courses for the Information Technology BS program in Islamic University. (2016-2017)
    Participating in Masters Program Committee for development of MS Program curriculum and handbook as member. (2017)
  • In Charge Department of Computer Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Pakistan. (2014-2015)
  • Head of MS/ PhD Programs in the Department of Computer Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Pakistan. (2011-2016)
  • Area Editor of International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Trends (IJICTT), Pakistan. (2013-2014)
  • Coordinator of Departmental Research Committee (DRC) in the Department of Computer Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Pakistan. (2013-2016)
  • Member “IT Security” technical committee of Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), Pakistan.(2013-2022)
  • Member of Board of Faculty of Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Pakistan. (2013-2016)
  • Member of Board of Studies Department of Computer Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology, Pakistan. (2013-2016)
  • Member of Board of Studies Department of Computer Science, Jinnah University for Women, Pakistan
  • Best Academic Advisor Award for the year 2018-2019, FCIS Islamic University of Madinah 2019
  • Best Researcher Advisor Award for the year 2019-2020, FCIS Islamic University of Madinah 2020
  • Best Initiative award for establishing International Collaboration, Islamic University of Madinah 2018
  • Awarded 5th HEC Outstanding Research Award 2013/14 for paper published in IEEE Journal Communication Survey and Tutorials (Impact Factor 20.30) 2016
  • Distinguished research student in the Centre for Communication Systems & Research. 2010
  • Awarded best paper award in 1st International Conference on Communication Technology Trends. 2013
  • Awarded Higher Education Commission (HEC) Foreign PhD scholarship. 2006
  • Awarded Associate Fellowship of Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. 2009
  • Awarded best poster award in 1st International Conference on Communication Technology Trends. 2002
  • Awarded Certificate of Merit for securing first class first position in B.Sc form Govt Islamia college. 2000
  • Awarded best paper of the track in (ICEET-2016), Pakistan
  • Best academic advisor and best researcher award from FCIS, Islamic University Madinah in 2018.


Research is creating new knowledge

Neil Armstrong
May 2011 – present HEC Approved Supervisor
HEC-LogoHigher Education Commission,  Islamabad, Pakistan. 


Authorized to supervise students of any university, both in public and private sector,  in Pakistan for MS/PhD thesis
Jan 2011 – Jan 2012 Visiting Post-Doctoral research fellow
surreylogoCenter for Communication Systems Research (CCSR), University of Surrey Guildford, United Kingdom. 


Conducting  research      at     post-doctoral     level     related     to Advance Security issues in Mobile Ad Hoc networks, Adaptive Intrusion Detection & Prevention of Attacks,       Misbehavior Identification and minimizing its effects in wireless networks
April 2011 – t i l l d a t e In charge Post graduate Research Program
federal-urdu-university-karachiDepartment of Computer Science FUUAST , Karachi, Pakistan.


Coordinating research activities of MS and PhD program. Facilitating  students  in  their   synopsis  approval  and   thesis defense. I am also coordinating     Departmental Research Committee which  is  responsible for  admission, allocation of courses,   thesis    supervisor   selection   of   the    postgraduate research programs. I am  the  head  of the  Communication and Networks research group.
Jan 2017 – t i l l d a t e Member of Wireless Network and Security Research Group
Active member of Wireless Networks and Security Research Group in Islamic University of Madinah. 


Working on funded research projects. Coordinating research activities of MS Security Technology Program.  Facilitating  students  in  their   synopsis  approval  and   thesis defense. Member of Faculty's Research Committee.


I have completed multiple research projects, including, Adaptive Intrusion Detection and Response Mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Applications,   remote vital sign monitoring & assistance of patients using BASN,  Provision of Security, reliability and QoS in BASN applied to healthcare applications. He has proposed various solutions for network layer security attacks by IDS, IPS, QoS and reliability issues of Mobile Ad Hoc and sensors Networks. Currently he is focusing on investigating & providing solutions for real community problems through modeling and assistive technology. He also working on project on emerging technologies such as Blockchain challenges and applications. He has published over 80 peer review papers in international journal and conferences including a patent submission. Total Impact Factor of his publications is 80.15 . He has also presented his research and tutorials in several international conference and seminars including IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICUMT, IEEE INMIC etc. My Researchgate Score is higher than 95% of RG members: (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adnan-Nadeem-Al-Hassan/stats ). My research work has been cited more than 1566 times see google scholar: (https://scholar.google.com.pk/citations?user=9fXG_OkAAAAJ&hl=en ). APatent accepted and sealed by the Government of Pakistan, in 2019.

PhD Supervision


S.No Name Thesis title Status
1 Dr Amir Mehmood Self-organized applications of Body Area Sensor in healthcare Completed in 2021
2 Dr Azhar Hussain Assisting Disabled & Elder Person by Exploiting Mobile Technology & Ubiquitous Computing Completed in 2021
3 Dr Sarwat Iqbal Context Aware Assistive Technology for Elderly using Mobile Technology Completed in 2020
4 Mr Saeed Azfar Monitoring & Detection of Cotton Crop Insects and related Disease using WSN & IoT In Progress


MS Supervision:


S.No Name Thesis title University 
5 George Marinos enial of Service Attack detection in DSR routing protocol in MANETs MSc (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)
6 Yu Li Analysis of Routing protocols for Delay Tolerant Networks MSc (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)
7 Abdul Salam A Class based Quality of Services Model for Body Area Sensor Networks MS (FUUAST, Pakistan)
8 Obaid Khan RPRP: Routing Protocol to Ensure the Reliability in Health Care System MS (FUUAST, Pakistan)
9 Anis Ahmed Sybil Attack Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (In complete) MS (FUUAST, Pakistan)
10 Mr Basil AlHazmi  Securing Face Recognition system using Image Watermarking scheme FCIS IUM (in Progress)


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Read more at: 

  • Contributed as Session Chair in IEEE International Conference on Advances in the Emerging Computing Technologies (AECT), 10-12th Feb 2020, Madinah, Islamic University Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Present Research Paper, IEEE International Conference on Advances in the Emerging Computing Technologies (AECT), 10-12th Feb 2020, Madinah, Islamic University Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Invited Plenary Speaker, 2nd Biennial Conference of The Indus Hospital (Care Beyond Cure), February 2014, at  Marriot Hotel, Pakistan.
  • Present Research Paper in ACM 5th   International   Wireless   Communication and   Mobile Computing  Conference (IWCMC), 2010, Germany.
  • Invited Speaker in 3rd Biennial Conference of The Indus Hospital (Care Beyond Cure), 2016, at Marriot Hotel, Pakistan.
  • Present Research Paper in IEEE 5th International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & workshops (ICUMT 09), 2009, St Petersburg, Russia.
  • Present Research Paper in IEEE Mohammad Ali Jinnah University International Conference on Computing (MAJICC), 15-17 July 2021, Karachi Pakistan.
  • Invited Session Judge, SUPER-COMP 2015 Think-Innovate-Compete-Win, 2015, at Bahria University Campus, Pakistan
  • Organized 1st International   Conference   on Information  and Communication Technology  Trends, Karachi September 2013 (ICICTT). Serve as TPC Chair in ICICTT 2013.
  • Member of IEEE International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC) Pakistan in 2012, 2013 &, 2014.
  • Attended and presented in several international conferences, workshops and seminar around the world related to topics on Wireless Networks Security and Applications.
  • Presented in a seminar as speaker in universities including University of Surrey UK, NYU Abu Dhabi, Hamdard University, IBA Sukkur, UIT, Jinnah University for Women (Pakistan).

Data Repository


SMotionDataSet: Published by Harvard Dataverse (Download -> Dataset:)

Abstract: The dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human behavior analysis based on multimodal inertial measurement wearable shimmer sensors.

Data Set Characteristics:  Multivariate, Time-Series Number of Instances: 114 Area: Computer
Attribute Characteristics: Real Number of Attributes: 14 Date updated 2019-04-20
Associated Tasks: Classification

Pattern analysis


Dar ul Sukoon, Elderly Care Home, Karachi

EDHI Foundation Old age home, Karachi

Department of Special Education, University of Karachi

Department of Computer Science ,Federal Urdu University of science Art and Technology

Email to whom correspondence should be addressed: adnan.nadeem@iu.edu.sa

Data Set Information: 

The dataset comprises body motion recordings for several volunteers of diverse profile while performing certain physical activities. Sensors placed on the subject's waist is used to measure the motion experienced by diverse body parts, namely, acceleration and rate of turn. Data is divided into five age and weight groups categories.

S. No. Age Groups Male Female Total
1 41 – 50 yrs. 3 3 6
2 51 – 60 yrs. 33 30 63
3 61 – 70 yrs. 13 6 19
4 71 – 80 yrs. 13 3 16
5 >80 yrs. 5 5 10
Total 67 47 114

See the db file with groups


Activities: 3
Sensor devices: 1
Subjects: varies


The collected dataset comprises body motion and vital signs recordings for several volunteers of diverse profile while performing 3physical activities (Table 1). Shimmer3 wearable sensors were used for the recordings. The sensors were respectively placed on the subject's waist attached by using elastic straps (as shown in the figure in attachment). The use of multiple sensors permits us to measure the motion experienced by diverse body parts, namely, the acceleration, the rate of turn, thus better capturing the body dynamics. All sensing modalities are recorded at a sampling rate of 50 Hz(normal range), which is considered sufficient for capturing human activity. few session was recorded using a video camera. The activities were collected in an out-of-lab environment with no constraints on the way these must be executed, with the exception that the subject should try their best when executing them.


The activity set is listed in the following:
L1: Standing still (5sec)
L4: Walking (1 min)
L11: Stand to Sitting (3 steps) (time varies)
NOTE: In brackets are the number of repetitions (Nx) or the duration of the exercises (min).

A complete and illustrated description (including table of activities, sensor setup, etc.) of the dataset is provided in the papers presented in the presentation section.

Attribute Information:

The data collected for each subject is stored in a different log file: 'shimmer XXX.xls'(XXX will be number between 001 to 999). Each file contains the samples (by rows) recorded for all sensors (by columns). The labels used to identify the activities are similar to the abovementioned (e.g., the label for walking is '4').

The meaning of each column is detailed next:
Column 1: Time stamp raw
Column 2: Time stamp in millisecond
Column 3: acceleration raw (X axis)
Column 4: Acceleration cal (X axis)
Column 5: acceleration raw (Y axis)
Column 6: Acceleration cal (Y axis)
Column 7: : acceleration raw (Z axis)
Column 8: Acceleration cal (Z axis)
Column 9: gyro raw (X axis)
Column 10: gyro cal (X axis)
Column 11: gyro raw (Y axis)

Column 12: gyro cal (Y axis)
Column 13: gyro raw (Z axis)
Column 14: gyro cal (Z axis)

*Units: Acceleration (m/s^2), gyroscope (deg/s).

Relevant Papers:

Citation Request:

Use of this dataset in publications must be acknowledged by referencing the following :

A.Nadeem, K. Rizwan and N.Mehmood, "SMotion dataset', developed under the project of fall detection system for elderly, available at http://adnan-nadeem.com/data-repository/.
We would appreciate if you send us an email (adnan.nadeem at fuuast dot edu dot pk) to inform us of any publication using this dataset.


+ SMotionDataSet: Published by Harvard Dataverse


SMotionDataSet: Published by Harvard Dataverse (Download -> Dataset:)

Abstract: The dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human behavior analysis based on multimodal inertial measurement wearable shimmer sensors.

Data Set Characteristics:  Multivariate, Time-Series Number of Instances: 114 Area: Computer
Attribute Characteristics: Real Number of Attributes: 14 Date updated 2019-04-20
Associated Tasks: Classification

Pattern analysis


Dar ul Sukoon, Elderly Care Home, Karachi

EDHI Foundation Old age home, Karachi

Department of Special Education, University of Karachi

Department of Computer Science ,Federal Urdu University of science Art and Technology

Email to whom correspondence should be addressed: adnan.nadeem@iu.edu.sa

Data Set Information: 

The dataset comprises body motion recordings for several volunteers of diverse profile while performing certain physical activities. Sensors placed on the subject's waist is used to measure the motion experienced by diverse body parts, namely, acceleration and rate of turn. Data is divided into five age and weight groups categories.

S. No. Age Groups Male Female Total
1 41 – 50 yrs. 3 3 6
2 51 – 60 yrs. 33 30 63
3 61 – 70 yrs. 13 6 19
4 71 – 80 yrs. 13 3 16
5 >80 yrs. 5 5 10
Total 67 47 114

See the db file with groups


Activities: 3
Sensor devices: 1
Subjects: varies


The collected dataset comprises body motion and vital signs recordings for several volunteers of diverse profile while performing 3physical activities (Table 1). Shimmer3 wearable sensors were used for the recordings. The sensors were respectively placed on the subject's waist attached by using elastic straps (as shown in the figure in attachment). The use of multiple sensors permits us to measure the motion experienced by diverse body parts, namely, the acceleration, the rate of turn, thus better capturing the body dynamics. All sensing modalities are recorded at a sampling rate of 50 Hz(normal range), which is considered sufficient for capturing human activity. few session was recorded using a video camera. The activities were collected in an out-of-lab environment with no constraints on the way these must be executed, with the exception that the subject should try their best when executing them.


The activity set is listed in the following:
L1: Standing still (5sec)
L4: Walking (1 min)
L11: Stand to Sitting (3 steps) (time varies)
NOTE: In brackets are the number of repetitions (Nx) or the duration of the exercises (min).

A complete and illustrated description (including table of activities, sensor setup, etc.) of the dataset is provided in the papers presented in the presentation section.

Attribute Information:

The data collected for each subject is stored in a different log file: 'shimmer XXX.xls'(XXX will be number between 001 to 999). Each file contains the samples (by rows) recorded for all sensors (by columns). The labels used to identify the activities are similar to the abovementioned (e.g., the label for walking is '4').

The meaning of each column is detailed next:
Column 1: Time stamp raw
Column 2: Time stamp in millisecond
Column 3: acceleration raw (X axis)
Column 4: Acceleration cal (X axis)
Column 5: acceleration raw (Y axis)
Column 6: Acceleration cal (Y axis)
Column 7: : acceleration raw (Z axis)
Column 8: Acceleration cal (Z axis)
Column 9: gyro raw (X axis)
Column 10: gyro cal (X axis)
Column 11: gyro raw (Y axis)

Column 12: gyro cal (Y axis)
Column 13: gyro raw (Z axis)
Column 14: gyro cal (Z axis)

*Units: Acceleration (m/s^2), gyroscope (deg/s).

Relevant Papers:

Citation Request:

Use of this dataset in publications must be acknowledged by referencing the following :

A.Nadeem, K. Rizwan and N.Mehmood, "SMotion dataset', developed under the project of fall detection system for elderly, available at http://adnan-nadeem.com/data-repository/.
We would appreciate if you send us an email (adnan.nadeem at fuuast dot edu dot pk) to inform us of any publication using this dataset.




Email to whom correspondence should be addressed: adnan.nadeem@iu.edu.sa


This dataset consists of raw and processed images reflecting a highly challenging and unconstraint environment.


This large gathering dataset of images extracted from publicly filmed videos by 24 cameras installed on the premises of Masjid Al-Nabvi, Madinah, Saudi Arabia.


Item Description
Subject Area or Application area Computer Vision, Face Recognition, Pattern Recognition
Specific application area Face detection, Personnel identification, tracking of missing persons, Crowd counting in Large Gatherings
Type of Data Videos sequences (Frames), Processed Face images, Annotations
How data were acquired Data was collected from publicly available videos captured from multiple cameras installed in Masjid Al-Nabvi, Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Data format PNG (Portable Network Graphic) files
Experimental factors Indoor/outdoor scenes of large gatherings, variable illumination, various object types, variable crowd density

The number of cameras in consideration is 24

Experimental features The total number of Frames is4613

The total number of clips is 34

Variable video clip lengths

Description of data collection sample The dataset contains 8 profile images of each of 250 personnel which makes a total of 2000 face images including children, youngsters, and elderlies.
Data source location Masjid Al-Nabvi, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Data accessibility Dataset mentioned in this article is uploaded by authors and available at:


Source Code The code is uploaded by authors and available at:


Related research articles The research work based on this dataset is available at:





The methodology for building the dataset consists of four core phases; that include acquisition of videos, extraction of frames, localization of face regions, and cropping and resizing of detected face regions. The raw images in the dataset consist of a total of 4613 frames obtained from video sequences. The processed images in the dataset consist of the face regions of 250 persons extracted from raw data images to ensure the authenticity of the presented data. The dataset further consists of 8 images corresponding to each of the 250 subjects (persons) for a total of 2000 images. It portrays a highly unconstrained and challenging environment with human faces of varying sizes and pixel quality (resolution). Since the face regions in video sequences are severely degraded due to various unavoidable factors, it can be used as a benchmark to test and evaluate face detection and recognition algorithms for research purposes. We have also gathered and displayed records of the presence of subjects who appear in presented frames; in a temporal context. This can also be used as a temporal benchmark for tracking, finding persons, activity monitoring, and crowd counting in large crowd scenarios.


There are five core phases of the methodology employed to build this large gathering dataset

In the first phase of methodology, we used publicly filmed videos from twenty-four cameras on the premises of Masjid Al-Nabvi, Madinah, KSA.

In the second phase, the data set is prepared by extracting every 10th frame from those captured videos and this extraction was made through the publicly available freeware "Free studio”. The dataset consists of a video sequence of 4613 frames, recorded by the cameras installed on the premises of the Masjid Al-Nabvi.

In the third phase, we applied the viola-jones Local Binary Pattern (LBP) cascade face detection algorithm on these frames to detect and separate face regions.

In the last two phases, the face regions of 250 personnel have been extracted, cropped, and resized to 50 x 50 resolution.

Parameter Measurement
Total Subjects 250
Facial Images Resolution 50 x 50
Number of cropped faced 250 x 8= 2000
Label Method Manual


The organization of the presented dataset is depicted in Fig. 4. The main folder is named ‘Large Gathering Dataset’, which includes the following sub-folders.

  • ProcessedFaceImages
  • RawDataFrames

video_summary File

Parameter Measurement
Frame size 973  X 489
Number of frames 4613
Number of clips in the video sequence 34
Number of Cameras 14
Tracking sequences Yes
Multi-shot Yes
Full frames availability Yes


  1. A. Nadeem, A. Mehmood, K. Rizwan, M. Ashraf, N. Qadeer et al., "Dataset of large gathering images for person identification and tracking," Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 74, no.3, pp. 6065–6080, 2023.
  2. . Nadeem, K. Rizwan, N. Qadeer, S. Ullah, N. Mahmood et al., “Ensuring safety of pilgrims using spatio-temporal data modeling and application for efficient reporting and tracking of missing persons in a large crowd gathering scenario,” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 15, no. 24, pp. 3125–3132, 2020.
  3. A. Nadeem, K. Rizwan, A. Mehmood, N. Qadeer, F. Noor et al., “A smart city application design for efficiently tracking missing person in large gatherings in madinah using emerging IoT technologies,” in Proc. of the IEEE Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Int. Conf. on Computing (MAJICC), Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, pp. 1–7, 2021.
  4. A. Nadeem, M. Ashraf, K. Rizwan, N. Qadeer, A. AlZahrani et al., “A novel integration of face-recognition algorithms with a soft voting scheme for efficiently tracking missing person in challenging large-gathering scenarios,” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1153, 2022.
  5. A. Nadeem, M. Ashraf, N. Qadeer, K. Rizwan, A. Mehmood et al., “Tracking missing person in large crowd gathering using intelligent video surveillance,” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 14, pp. 5270, 2022.


Use of this dataset in publications must be acknowledged by referencing the following :

We would appreciate if you send us an email (adnan.nadeem at Iu dot edu dot SA) to inform us of any publication using this dataset.


  • Islamic University of Madinah, Prince Naif Ibn Abdulaziz, Al Jamiah, Medina 42351. KSA.
  • Email: adnan.nadeem at iu dot edu dot sa
  • Website: www.adnan-nadeem.com

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